If your card is lost, please pause your card on your account straight away. If you find your card later, you can always resume it.
If your card was stolen or you’re certain you won’t find it again, please choose the option to “Report Lost/Stolen". This will permanently cancel the card. We will automatically send you a replacement card, as long as you have at least £6 to cover the replacement card fee. If you don’t have enough to cover this fee, please order a new card online.
On the website:
Sign in and then choose "Cards and PIN" from the menu on the left.
To pause your card please select the 'Pause card' option next to your card. If you would like to report your card as lost or stolen, you will need to pause your card first, and then choose 'Report card lost or stolen'.
On the mobile app:
Once signed in, press the 'More' option on the bottom right of the screen. Then select 'Card and PIN' from the menu that appears.
To pause your card please select the 'Pause card' button under the image of your Currency Card. If you would like to mark your card as lost or stolen, you will need to pause your card first, and then choose 'Report card lost or stolen'.